Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Does The First Person Get Chlamydia How Long Does Chlamydia Take To Make A Person Steril If Left Untreated?

How long does chlamydia take to make a person steril if left untreated? - how does the first person get chlamydia

I do not know, because I believe every person is different and the progression of the disease is different. But here is what I found:

Untreated chlamydia infections can be many months in which the bacterium Chlamydia can be transmitted to others. Among women with chlamydial PID is not treated, health experts estimate that the government suffering that sterile 20 percent, 18 percent of pelvic pain, and 9 percent have a time of tubal pregnancy. Chlamydia infections among men can not be treated to cause inflammation and pain in the testicles.
http://www.manhattanmed.com/STDS/chlamyd ...

Another side says ..........
How long can you have chlamydia, your body before it or before you start damaging PID?
Nearly 3 / 4 of women and half of infected men have no symptoms when they chlamydia. Symptoms, if any occur, usually 1-3 weeks after infection. There is an answer to your question, how long it takes before bear damage to your body. Some people can take weeks, months or years withoutDamage, while others may PID (plevic inflammatory disease) within days or weeks achieved.
http://www.rappstreet.org/index.php?modu ...

It takes only 1 dose Zithromax to cure only to chlamydia. 1 g orally. Alternatively, you can take doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days. No shot.



Canky Kisses said...

go for treatment ... U type 2, take 4 tablets of 7 days and shot in the butt .. and U is to take risks DONT ..

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