Saturday, February 13, 2010

What Are The Risks Of Taking Sleep Eze What Are The Health Risks Of Taking A Swig Of Nyquil Every Night To Help Me Drift Off To Sleep?

What are the health risks of taking a swig of nyquil every night to help me drift off to sleep? - what are the risks of taking sleep eze

It can grow depends on Nyquil to sleep and not in a position on their own to sleep without her.

Prolonged use can damage your liver.

Benadryl antihistamine that can still damage the liver. Speak not sleep with your doctor about the success of narcotics aid.


KnowMe said...

Nyquil really helped settle my sleep. Could you different though.

Techno Alien said...

You can not sleep without NyQuil. if u take every day, your body gets used to sleep with NyQuil. NyQuil u can not do without sleep.

phillybo... said...

I would not use NyQuil to help you sleep. Try Benadryl instead. It is relatively harmless and not a dream.

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